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Vitrina Project at Kynosargous 

Openshowstudio*’s Vitrina Project, that hosted many contemporary artists in-between 2010-2013,  is back at a new address, at Kynosargous square, near EMST - National contemporary art museum. 

It restarts with Eleanna Balesi in a visual conversation with Sofia Touboura.  Eleanna Balesi transforms remains of “traditional” digital documentation data means ( CD’s, DVD’s ) into organic shapes - snapshots of an imaginative landscape. Sofia Toubourra aka Toubourra creates an imaginative landscape as well, through processing digital archives by uniting images of natural greenery in a large fractal and printing them on textile.


No opening or entrance inside the space take place, instead the exhibition is covid and covid pass free. through being lighted and visible from the street 24/7.

Openshowstudio, Tymfristou 13 Kynosargous square, Athens

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