Giorgos Kakanakis Open at Contemporary Istanbul 2013 (presenting Democracy of Hunger, 2010) performance/installation

Giorgos Kakanakis Open at Contemporary Istanbul 2013 (presenting Democracy of Hunger, 2010) performance/installation

Giorgos Kakanakis Open at Contemporary Istanbul 2013 (presenting Democracy of Hunger, 2010) performance/installation

Sofia Touboura Open at Contemporary Istanbul 2013 (presenting Death of an Emotional Replica, 2010) performance/installation
Open@Contemporary Istanbul 2013: Direct expression
Current mainstream art institutional scene will sooner or have to shift from a state of posing conceptual riddles to an elitist orientated audience, towards the direct expression of its point to the uneased people, in whο wordwide ex middle class is rapidly turning into.
Openshowstudio presents two examples of direct expression
The Democracy of Hunger
Giorgos Kakanakis took over Open’s place to produce interactive shamelessly loud propaganda material: a warning about the Democracy of Hunger, in October 2010, a year before the bubble of economy in Greece burst, and democracy officially lost control of the fate of the country.
The Death of an Emotional Replica
On the centrally located Open’s vitrine and on a warm, humid summer in the city, every night after midnight and for a week, Sofia Touboura performed the corps of an emotional replica, a reference to the science fiction mythology of Replicas (robots organically totally resembling to humans) who revolted against people after they developed emotional intelligence. A comment on the diminish or loss of emotional intelligence in contemporary art and society.